We use civil and criminal litigation to fight against the excesses of the criminal justice system.
Civil Rights Impact Litigation
Working with directly impacted people, we prosecute complex impact litigation in federal and state courts across Louisiana. Our cases tackle systemic and entrenched injustices that harm currently and formerly incarcerated people.
Examples of our Civil Litigation Cases include:
Strategic Criminal Litigation
Our strategic criminal litigation is designed to complement our civil litigation and policy strategy. Our goal is to use strategic litigation to reduce excessive sentences and unjust convictions and to shine a light on systemic barriers to justice in the criminal legal system.
Examples of our Strategic Criminal Litigation Cases include:
Jim Crow Juries
Jim Crow Juries seeks to heal the generations of pain inflicted by Louisiana’s racist Jim Crow system that silenced many black jurors.
On November 6, 2018, Louisiana’s Constitutional Amendment 2 passed with 64% of the vote and ended Louisiana’s Jim Crow Juries law for crimes alleged to have been committed after January 1, 2019. But our work is not over.
Examples of our Jim Crow Juries Cases include:
Ramos v. Louisiana: Abolishing Non-Unanimous Juries
Amicus Brief of Promise of Justice Initiative, Edwards v. Vannoy