Fond Farewell

The PJI team gathered last week to celebrate the work and legacy of our departing executive director, Mercedes Montagnes. We spent the afternoon reminiscing about PJI’s last decade even as we look to the future. It seemed the best way to wish Mercedes a proper farewell was to acknowledge all the work she has done over the last 11 years including the lives that have been forever changed through PJI’s work and her courageous leadership.  

Anyone who knows Mercedes understands that she leads with tenacity and compassion. From the first impact litigation case PJI undertook, which challenged the alarming heat conditions on Death Row at the Louisiana State Penitentiary, to building the Jim Crow Juries Project on behalf of people incarcerated from non-unanimous juries, Mercedes has been a fearless leader for criminal legal reform in Louisiana. As we put together a compilation of stories and reflections from staff, board members, and partners to present to Mercedes as a farewell token, these themes were ever-present:  

“Your passion and persistence are not only inspiring but also infectious.”  

“You have moved the needle on what counts as justice in this state. Your tenacity interrupted the steady drumbeat of lethal injection in Louisiana. Your commitment to justice in all its forms made the harms of carceral heat and healthcare visible for all to see.” 

“You are a visionary who has imagined and generated bold possibilities, hopes, and dreams and reminded many of us of our direction.”  

“Your support, guidance, and care have meant so much to me over the years. Thank you for being such an inspiring, supportive, caring, and passionate role model for me.”  

Mercedes leaves a lasting legacy at PJI and across the criminal legal reform landscape in Louisiana and beyond. She offered the following statement as she prepares to turn over the reins of leadership:  

Leading this vital and diverse organization has been the privilege of a lifetime. When we are confronting systems that perpetuate massive inequities, we look for solutions. What sets PJI apart is that we recognize and understand that workable solutions do and will call upon so many people in so many different ways to show compassion and dedication to change. It will take the keen organization skills to set up and execute systems. It will take relentlessly knocking on the doors of legislators from around the state – even those who are against us. It will take going on the record in court knowing that the odds of success are not great. It will take listening with love and understanding as a client describes the challenges they face behind bars. This holistic, human-centered approach is not cheap, fast, or easy. It requires real and substantial commitments from our supporters and the entire community of stakeholders. We are so lucky that you put your faith in us over the years. Without the support of so many folks far and wide, PJI would not be in this strong position at this time of transition. I am so grateful to all of you. With love – Mercedes. 

Everyone here at PJI wishes Mercedes the very best as she departs, and we are certain that she will continue to do great work and have outstanding impact in the world. We also look forward to welcoming Samantha Kennedy as executive director starting next week.  

Thank you for your ongoing support of PJI!  


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